Contact the Library
Library Addresses and Phone Numbers
Pius XII Memorial Library
3650 Lindell Blvd.St. Louis, MO 63108
General Information: 314-977-3580
Pius XII Memorial Library Hours | Pius XII Memorial Library Faculty and Staff Directory | Research Librarians
Department | Phone |
Academic Technology Commons | 314-977-3103 |
Access and Delivery Services | 314-977-3087 |
Administration Office | 314-977-3100 |
Archives and Rare Books | 314-977-3109 |
Collection Management Services | 314-977-3586 |
Digital Services | 314-977-4107 |
Electronic Reserves | 314-977-3585 |
Government Documents | 314-977-3103 |
Interlibrary Loan and Document Delivery | 314-977-3104 |
Vatican Film Library | 314-977-3090 |
Medical Center Library
1402 S. Grand Blvd.St. Louis, MO 63104
General Information: 314-977-8800
Medical Center Library Hours | Medical Center Library Faculty and Staff Directory | Liaison Librarians
Vincent C. Immel Law Library
100 N. Tucker Blvd., Fifth and Sixth FloorsSt. Louis, MO 63101
General Information: 314-977-3081
Law Library Hours | Law Library Faculty and Staff Directory
Madrid Library
Avda. del Valle,
34. 28003 Madrid, Spain
Phone: 34 (91) 554 4987 or 554 5858
Fax: 34 (91) 554 6202
Madrid Library Hours | Madrid Library Staff
Locust Street
The Locust Street Library Facility is not open to the general public. For demonstrated research needs, 博彩网址大全 faculty, staff, and students may make an appointment to visit the LSLF. Photocopy, scanning equipment, and a small study room are available. To make an appointment call 314-977- 5611 or email